Migrant Care Labour and the COVID-19 Long-term Care Crisis: How Did We Get Here?
The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated and accentuated an ongoing crisis of care. A historic lack of investment in care, especially in areas of elder care, has resulted in long-term care (LTC) facilities being the epicentre of the pandemic in various nations.

The Post-COVID-19 Economy: Financing Canada’s Leadership in Sustainable Energy
Jatin Nathwani and Raynier Ramasra
The politicians and policy makers who will be tasked with addressing Canada’s future fiscal situation likely have not yet begun their careers.

The Long-term Care Pandemic: International Perspectives on COVID-19 and the Future of Nursing Homes
John P. Hirdes, Anja Declercq, Harriet Finne-Soveri, Brant E. Fries, Leon Geffen, George Heckman, Terry Lum, Brigette Meehan, Nigel Millar and John N. Morris
Observing political leadership during the pandemic to understand how different types of leadership can impact nations during a public health crisis.

Steering Countries Through Crisis: Evaluating Approaches to Political Leadership in Pandemic Times
Observing political leadership during the pandemic to understand how different types of leadership can impact nations during a public health crisis.

COVID-19, Age and Mortality: Implications for Public Policy
The COVID-19 pandemic has paralyzed the global community, but its impacts around the world have not been homogeneous.

Canada’s Responses to COVID-19: Impacts on Vulnerable Populations Experiencing Housing Insecurity
Canada needs a long-term solution to homelessness.

Fostering a sustainable recovery in spite of ‘preconditions’: Five questions that need answering
How will the global economy recover from the Covid-19 shock? Most observers wish for a rapid and sustained recovery and expansion. However, this wish is unlikely to be granted.

Age of Disruption: How Ecological Breakdown Could Alter Globalization
While debates about the true impact of globalization on the global environment continue, some scholars have come to ask about the inverse relationship: How might ecological breakdown influence globalization?

Shadows of Empire: Hard Brexit, Commonwealth Revival, and UK-Canada Relations
Even though a harder Brexit is being undertaken in the name of improved relations with the Commonwealth and Anglosphere, the risks of Brexit for Ottawa far outweigh the potential advantages.

COVID-19: Where we’ve been, where we’re going
This episode offers a brief history of viral pandemics and the science of the COVID-19 virus. After reviewing COVID-19’s economic, social, psychological and political impacts, we touch on the implications for health care. Finally, we look at the need for a global, integrated approach that requires new multi-disciplinary thinking, and what this means for policy makers.

National Security in a Rapidly Changing World
The difficulties many states are having in dealing with both the COVID-19 pandemic and the climate emergency suggests that contemporary security institutions have not been adequately prepared to deal with the novel circumstances of the twenty first century.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: Three Levels of Arctic Geopolitics
The notion of geopolitical conflict in the Arctic continues to make media headlines. Today, this focus has shifted to concerns about the strategic positioning of, and increased tension between, NATO countries and Russia, with a dash of Chinese interests on top.

Gender and Protection in UN Peacekeeping: Towards Inclusive Protection Practice
Even as the protection of civilians (PoC) and the Women, Peace and Security (WPS) agendas have become part of the UN, the organization still struggles to shed a reputation for being unable to protect women in conflict zones; not only from armed factions but from its own personnel.

State-Sponsored Boycotts of Sport Mega Events: Considerations for Sport Governors and State Policymakers
Success in high profile international sporting competitions often generates unmatched sources of collective pride and national spirit that can unify a nation. With increased pride and national spirit, however, can also come controversy and division.

The status of the climate after COVID-19: using ethics to overcome scientific uncertainty
As pandemic restrictions ease, will we try to maintain our current lifestyles and familiar economic policies? Or, will we rise to the challenge of our time and meet the responsibility of doing things differently?

Zero Fossil Fuels Dependence Requires a National Commission
The oil and gas sector currently delivers massive economic benefits, but with an environmental sting that precludes its expansion as global targets for greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) tighten.

In the Aftermath of COVID-19: Policy Implications for Canada
The COVID-19 global pandemic has reinforced the need for today’s policy to address humanity’s future critical challenges.

COVID-19 and Global Human Health Resources
The unprecedented global shut-down due to the pandemic of COVID-19 is exposing public health system weakness globally.

Coronavirus, Climate and a Clean Energy Transition: Is Resiliency Achievable?
In the seeds of this current tragedy lies a historic opportunity for Canada to transition to a low-carbon energy economy — away from dependence on the oil and gas sector.